Übersicht: BestandSignaturVerfasserDatumSchlagworteIndex
March 87
Bestand: Korrespondenz, chronologisch
Nummer: 18
Signatur: DO 1016
Originaltitel:Monatliche Korrespondenzmappe 1987
Verfasser: --
Beschreibung: keine weitere Beschreibung


1 Brief
von Hafe Pérez (Porto, Portugal), J.H.
Brief an Prof. von Foerster (ref. Lissabon, Conference paper)
2 Karte
Infomedix, Educational Resources and services (Garden Grove, CA),
Karte an den Speaker (meeting) mit permission to record (nicht abgeschickt)
3 Brief und Broschüre
Bushnell (Chair. Human & Organization Development Program. The Fielding Institute. Santa Barbara, CA), Don D.
Brief an HvF: Angebot das Third Gordon Research Conference on Cybernetics (Jan 1988) im Fielding Institute zu machen. Brroschüre des Instituts.
4 Brief
Welden (Director. Institute for Structural Neuropsychology and Medicine. San Mateo, CA), Sherman
Brief an Collegues (Board Members, HvF) und Broschüre über "first public effort": "Meaningful Environments: The Re-design of the nursing home"
5 Certificate
, Sara & Dick
Wine Connoisseur's Certificate to Mai and Heinz
6 (ohne Eintrag)
Perpetua Press: Fine Book Production (Los Angeles, CA),
7 Brief und Text
Staats, Kay
Brief und Text (Introduction "Want to play?", "On the Bridge over the pond with Colin and Taffy", "The Background of Cybernetics", The Organization of a System")
8 Brief
Evolutionary Services Institute,
Werbung für EDEN (Evolutionary Development Electronic Network)
9 Brief
Schroeder (Library, University of Maine, Orono), Paul
Brief an Heinz über Cybernetic und Kopie des Artikels: "Toward a Cybernetic Art Corresponding to the Symbols of our Early Ancestors" by Manfred Graef, In: Journal of the International Society for the Arts sciences and Technology, Leonardo. Pergamon Press, Vol.19, Nr.4 1986.
10 Photokopien
Photokopien über Autopoiesis in "Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential". 2nd ed. Saur Verlag, München 1986.
11 Brief
Schroeder (Library, University of Maine, Orono), Paul
Brief an Heinz (ref. tapes, etc.)
12 Photos
?, ?
Photos vom Poster: Centro de Estudios Antropologia Medica, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Chile in ihrem ?; Zimmer.
13 Brief
Jordan (for the Tykociner Lecture Committee. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), E.C.
Brief an die Members der Tykociner Lecture Committee, wegen dem zweijährigen Treffen.
14 Brief
Pagels (The Reality Club, New York, NY), Heinz R.
Brief an Members. Einladung zu Lecture "John Berryman's Dream Songs: Language & The Shaping of the Self, by Paul Mariani. 3.4.1987".
15 Brief
Glanville, Ranulph
Brief an Heinz
16 Brief
Gille (Assistant Professor. Program in Experimental Psychology. University of California. Santa Cruz, CA), Jennifer
Brief an Prof. von Foerster (invitation of HvF to speak at Colloquium Series)
17 Brief
, Achim (Köln, Germany)
Briefnotiz an Mai und Heinz, daß er in SF ist und sie sehen möchte
18 Comment
Demys (Mathematics and Morphology Research Center. Editorial and Research Offices, Albany, CA), K.
Comment on a paper by Z-Z. Zhong (J.Math.Phys.26,404 (1985)) in: J.Math.Phys. 28(2), febr. 1987
19 Brief
Jakoby ?(The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. UWM Art Museum, George and Angela
Brief an Heinz und Mai (Reisebericht; keep in touch letter)
20 Brief
Preiser (Professor and Director. The University of New Mexico. Center for Research and Development. School of Architecture and Planning), Wolfgang
Brief an Heinz und Mai, Kopie eines Briefes an Dock L. Stroop for possible collaboration
21 Brief
Staats, Kay
3 Briefe an Heinz
22 Brief
L.F. Agnati, M. Bonatti (Program Committee Chairman. Italtel Research Laboratories. Settimo Milanese (MI), Italy),
Brief an HvF (ref. 5th ITC Seminar. Traffic Engineering for ISDN Design and Planning. 4.-8.May 1987 Lake Como Italy.Einladung von HvF zu sprechen mit Changeux, Fuxe, Kohonen)
23 Brief
Barahona Fernandes (President of the Assemblée Générale de l'Institut Piaget. Lissabon, Portugal), Henrique
Brief an die Mitglieder (Einladung zur Generalversammlung)
24 Karte
E. Lansing House Theatre Project,
Karte an Heinz: Einladung zu performances, march 1987, Urbana, IL.
25 Textkopie
?, ?
Kopie aus Buch ?: D.M. Mac Kay, H. Mittelstaedt.
26 Notiz
von Foerster, Heinz
Notiz: To do
27 Brief
Krippendorff (Richardson Smith Nexus. Worthington, Ohio), Klaus
Brief an Heinz (ref. various). 1 Artikelkopie von Klaus Krippendorf "Interact with complexity.The Science and Praxis of Complexity. Symposium held at Montpellier, France 9.-11. may 1984. participants were K. Boulding, T. Hägerstrand, H. Henderson, N. Luhmann, R. Margalef, E.Morin, K. Pribram, I. Prigogine, H. von Foerster.In: Journal of Communication, Summer 1986.
28 Brief und Broschüre
Rossman (Berkeley, CA), Michael
Brief und Broschüre über Camp Chrysalis, Summer Camp for childreen between 8-14 years.
29 Ankündigung
Jean Goldschmidt International S.A.,
Werbung über Firma, die Rohstoffe recyclying betreibt.
30 Zeichnung
?, ?
Zeichnung: woman scatching also her left ear.


© Heinz von Foerster-Gesellschaft, 2001. All rights reserved.
Last modified by Barbara Heller-Schuh