Vorträge, Lect.
Übersicht: BestandSignaturVerfasserDatumSchlagworteIndex
Foldermappe: Vorträge 1984
Bestand: Vorträge, Lecture Notes
Nummer: 37
Signatur: DO 935
Originaltitel:VORTRÄGE 84
Verfasser: von Foerster , Heinz
Datum: 1984


1 Vortragsmaterialien: Atari Board Meeting. Atari Headquarter. Sunnyvale, California.
2 Vortragsmaterialien: "Cognition: Fundamental Principles" (V). IBM Scientific Center. Los Angeles, California.
3 Vortragsmaterialien: "A Constructivist Epistemology" : I. "Initials" (V). II. "Recursion" (V). III. "Hermeneutics" (V). Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. University of Calgary, Medical Clinic. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
4 Vortragsmaterialien: "Seeing with the Third Eye" (V). Dance Week 1984: "How can we know the Dancer from the Dance?" (Yeats). Stanford University. Stanford, California.
5 Vortragsmaterialien: "Thoughts and Notes for Mental Research" (V). The Six-Point Seminar. Mental Research Institute. Palo Alto, California.
6.1 Vortragsmaterialien: I. Case Discussions. II."How we invent Reality: Epistemological Prerequisites" (V). The Construction of Therapeutic Realities Conference. University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada.
6.2 Vortragsmaterialien: : I. Case Discussions. II."How we invent Reality: Epistemological Prerequisites" (V). The Construction of Therapeutic Realities Conference. University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada.
7 Vortragsmaterialien: Meetings. Symposium on Science and Praxis of Complexity. United Nations University. Montpellier, France.
8 Vortragsmaterialien: "On Artificial Intelligence" (Discussion). CESTA - Francoise Fogelman. Ecole Polytechnique. Paris, France.
9 Vortragsmaterialien: "Blindness" (V). Stanford University. Department of Communications. Stanford, California.
10 Vortragsmaterialien: "The Epistemology of Self - Reference" (V). Panel Session: Dimensions of Self-Reference. International Communication Association, Annual Convention Carol Wilder. Hilton. San Francisco, California.
11 Vortragsmaterialien: St. Galler Forschungsgespräche: Konstruktivismus und Management sozialer Systeme. Hochschule St. Gallen für Wirtschafts - und Sozialwissenschaften. St. Gallen, Switzerland.
12 Vortragsmaterialien: "Entdecken oder Erfinden: Wie Lässt Sich Verstehen Verstehen?" (V). Siemens Stiftung. Nymphenburger Schloss. München (Nymphenburg), West Germany.
13 Vortragsmaterialien: "Vernünftige Verrücktheit" (V). Steirischer Herbst. Universität Graz. Graz, Austria.
14 Vortragsmaterialien: "A Conversation on Theory" (Panel). American Society for Cybernetics, Annual Meeting. The Barcley Hotel. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
15 Vortragsmaterialien: "Award Presentation and Keynote Adress". American Society for Cybernetics, Annual Meeting. The Barcley Hotel. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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Last modified by Barbara Heller-Schuh